Let's take a look at the famous gay scene movies in Israel with an eclectic variety of some of the most controversial and famous LGBT films written, directed, and produced in the country.
Oriented (2012)
Oriented is a compelling documentary about three gay Palestinians in their twenties living in Tel Aviv. It was originally released in June 2015 at the Sheffield Documentary Festival and was directed by Jake Witzenfeld as his first feature film. The film is not only a modern story of the trials and tribulations of being gay in society; it also documents the difficulties of being gay for Palestinian men and how the issue conflicts with Islamic doctrine. The three best friends decide to form a group called Qambouta, hoping to bring about change through exposure to their unique sexual and national identities.
Yossi & Jagger (2002)
Yossi and Jagger was released in 2002 and has since become a cult must-see. Directed by Eytan Fox, this romantic film follows two gay Israeli army soldiers as they deal with everyday life on the Israeli-Lebanese border. Yossi is a commander and is involved in a secret and passionate love affair with his second-in-command (nicknamed Jagger). The two often sneak around the outpost to spend time together. Ambush leaves Jagger injured, and complications ensue.
Out in the Dark (2013)
Another politically provocative tale, Out in the Dark tells the story of an Israeli lawyer who falls in love with a Palestinian. studying psychology. The film was released in 2012 at the Haifa International Film Festival. The film, a directorial debut for Michael Mayer, depicts the political complications of an Israeli falling in love with a Palestinian in the West Bank and the inevitable problems of homosexuality in a conservative Muslim society.
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Cupcakes (2013)
In a different genre from the famous Eytan Fox, director of Yossi and Jagger , Cupcakes is a sweet comedy by a group of five friends in Tel Aviv who enter the Eurovision Song Contest as a joke. They are shocked to find that their entry has been accepted. The film follows the LGBT friendly group moving forward with the initial joke that is now taken seriously by every member for different personal reasons.
Paper Dolls (2006)
Paper Dolls is a charming documentary about the lives of transgender Filipinos who came to Israel to work as caregivers for elderly Orthodox Jewish men. The documentary Paper Dolls (in Hebrew Boobot Niyar ) was released in 2006 by director Tomer Heymann. The documentary was shot for an extended period of five years and was shown at a variety of international film festivals to positive reception.
Yossi (2012)
A sequel to Eytan Fox's Yossi and Jagger , the film Yossi follows the life of the title character after meeting Jagger ten years earlier. Yossi is a 34 year old cardiologist who is trying to cope with his traumatic past and present. The film was released in 2012 and is Fox's fifth feature film.
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